Tips and Advice from the Mama Lounge Team
Abdominal Massage and Fertility
In our San Francisco acupuncture and massage clinic we work hard to help our clients who are facing infertility. In addition to a regular regime of acupuncture and herbs, we will commonly recommend an abdominal massage. Abdominal [...]
A Hopeful VBAC Momma
It's been a special week here at Mama Lounge. Three amazing babies came into the world that I've watched grow from conception. One very near and dear to my heart was a successful VBAC delivery. [...]
Acupuncture for Lactation
If you are lucky, you will go through a 3-6 week postpartum period with either a baby or a breast pump attached to your newly voluptuous chest at all hours of the day. Breastfeeding is [...]
Top 10 Supplements for Pregnancy
Mama Lounge, located in San Francisco, specializes in all natural medicine helping expecting moms choose effective herbal remedies, and aim for a natural birth. The owner, Amy's, goal is to empower women in the San [...]
Acupuncture For Pregnancy
Imagine someone gave a you a magical seed and told you that if you nurtured it gently, and protected it from harm it would grow into the love of your life in 10 months. [...]
Mom Entrepreneur: Amy Gordon of Mama Lounge
My life changed in the most unimaginable ways when I became a mom, and my internal dialogue went something like this: Who am I now? What's happened to my life? My time? My body? I'm so [...]