Abdominal Massage and Fertility

In our San Francisco acupuncture and massage clinic we work hard to help our clients who are facing infertility. In addition to a regular regime of acupuncture and herbs, we will commonly recommend an abdominal massage. Abdominal massage is a safe and gentle technique that works to improve blood flow to the abdomen and the reproductive organs.

Abdominal Massage For Fertility

Since we specialize in healing and helping Mamas, one of the reasons we love abdominal massage is for its ability to enhance fertility by correcting a tipped, or even prolapsed, uterus. Because the uterus is held into position by ligaments and muscles that hold it to the pelvis, over time these muscles and ligaments may become weak and loose, no longer supporting the uterus as intended. These uterine ligaments are designed to stretch and move as our bladders and/or bowels become full, or when a baby is growing – but age, time, injuries, chronic constipation, high-impact activities, or even wearing heels can lead to a prolapsed uterus, affecting our fertility and our well-being. When the uterus is slightly tipped or prolapsed, it can change the normal flow of blood and lymph, even disrupt nerve function.

According to renowned Mayan Shaman, Don Elijo, “If a woman’s uterus is out of balance, so is she.” It’s been said that while men tend to push their emotions down to their heart (leading to more tempers, fighting and heart attacks with men), women hold their stress, anger and anxiety in their abdomens, leading to things like IBS and painful menses.

The “wandering womb” can be corrected by abdominal massage, and is a non-invasive option to help strengthen the ligaments and muscles that support the ovaries and uterus. This procedure can help correct the uterus’ position instantly, or it may take a few months of treatment, depending on each individual’s case.

During your San Francisco abdominal massage, here is what you can expect:

  • Is frequently applied in the first half of the cycle to encourage the free flow of menstrual blood and a timely ovulation
  • It helps correct the position of any organs, especially the uterus, that may have shifted due to trauma, exercise, surgery, constipation, an diet irregularities
  • It frees the flow of blood, energy, and lymph through all of the vital organs improving libido, stamina, digestion
  • Prevent secondary infertility by receiving postpartum abdominal massage, and allow the organs to correctly settle back into place
  • A unique opportunity to connect with your abdomen and explore the sensations, emotions, and self-judgements that we hold there



1. Rainforest Home Remedies: The Maya Way to Heal Your Body & Replenish Your Soul, by Rosita Arvigo & Nadine Epstein

By |2017-06-20T01:52:52+00:00May 1st, 2014|Blog, Fertility, Massage|Comments Off on Abdominal Massage and Fertility

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