Top 10 Supplements for Pregnancy

Mama Lounge, located in San Francisco, specializes in all natural medicine helping expecting moms choose effective herbal remedies, and aim for a natural birth. The owner, Amy’s, goal is to empower women in the San Francisco area with the tools to have a safe, low-stress, low-intervention and natural labor. Amy is a mama herself and has put together a list of her top 10 recommended supplements for pregnancy.
*Note that all herbs and supplements are not a one-size fits all medicine. Brand and dosage significantly affect the efficacy of these products. They should always be taken under the supervision of a licensed medical professional.

Fermented Cod Liver Oil1. Fermented Cod Liver Oil
The advantage of taking Fermented Cod Liver Oil is that it’s cold processed through fermentation, which allows it to retain high levels of fat soluble vitamins A & D as well as Omega-3s. Because of the cold processing, these vitamins are not damaged by high temperatures. Fermented Cod Liver Oil contains about ample quantities of DHA and EPA, which are highly recommended forms of Omega-3s necessary for proper brain & nervous system development. Important to note that studies have only found Vitamin A to be teratogenic in synthetic form, and it is actually essential to a developing fetus and plays an important role in the development of every organ system in the body. Fermented Cod Liver Oil is an excellent choice during pregnancy.
Floradix2. Floradix
Floradix liquid Iron and Herbs is pretty ubiquitous across my practice. Buy the biggest bottle you can find and take 20oz. once a day. You’ll avoid a lot of the energy crashes, physiological anemia, and mommy brain that comes with pregnancy. Also imperative to replace blood and fluid loss after birth.
red raspberry leaf tea in pregnancy3. Red raspberry tea infusions (using the dried herb, not commercial tea bags)
Raspberry leaf is a known, effective uterine tonic. It is high in minerals and has astringent qualities, which can help to improve the tone of the uterus, and will also improve the quality of contractions during labor. It is also said to help the uterus post-partum to return back to its normal size in less time.
nettles tea infusion during pregnancy4. Nettles tea infusions (using the dried herb, not commercial tea bags)
Nettles tea infusions are rich in Vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur. Many consider the taste of this infusion to be rich and deep, and dark green to black in appearance. Many women will alternate between weeks of nettle and raspberry brews, focusing on nettles infusion nearing the time of labor to ensure high levels of Vitamin K and iron.
Benefits Include:
  • Aiding the Kidneys
  • Increasing Fertility
  • Nourishment of mom and fetus
  • Reduction of leg cramps or other muscle spasms
  • High calcium content helps with muscle pains – during and after birth
  • Reducing hemorrhoids – tightens and strengthens blood vessels
  • Aids in lactation support through increased amounts of breast milk.
probiotics in pregnancy5. Pro-biotics
Probiotics have been proven to help boost mother’s immune system during pregnancy and ensure regular digestion. Increased hormones, fatigue and stress can have an effect on the good bacteria in the gut and lead to a sluggish digestive system. Probiotics can help to restore the balance of healthy bacteria. With 60-70% of our immune system within our intestines, keeping this “ecosystem” happy means less colds and respiratory infections, UTIs, yeast infections and skin inflammations, all common pregnancy woes. Probiotics benefits also extend to the fetus, and can promote a strong immune system including a reduction in allergies, eczema, asthma and atopic dermatitis. Benefits also pass through the breastmilk, helping to protect the nursing child.
raw prenatals in pregnancy6. New Chapter Organics Prenatal or Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal
Choosing a prenatal vitamin can be tough! Most forms of synthetic vitamins and  minerals are not preferable and are slowly being exposed as potentially harmful. Vitamin Code chooses vitamins that are uncooked, untreated and unadulterated, with no binders or fillers and always dairy-free and gluten-free. They also use 800mcg raw, whole-foods folate (as opposed to synthetic Folic Acid). Folate is essential to a healthy pregnancy, but many companies substitute the cheaper Folic Acid. Folic acid is a chemical not normally found in foods or the human body. If it says “folic acid” anywhere in the ingredients, you don’t want it. New Chapter’s Prenatal is all organic and also made from whole-foods sources containing 600mcg Folate.
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang in pregnancy7. Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang – for placenta previa, threatened miscarriage
This is a Chinese herbal formula that has been used for centuries (yes, CENTURIES!!) on pregnant women. Only take a chinese herbal prescription from a licensed herbalist. These are custom blended formulas and have far reaching effects on new mamas including helping lift and raise the uterus, supplement energy to the embryo, and the placenta.
Olba’s – Aromatherapy inhalant and massage oil for migraines8. Olba’s – Aromatherapy inhalant and massage oil for migraines
This one I mostly discovered by accident from working with so many migraines over the years. It really works! It’s so simple. Apply topically to the location of the headache or migraine and pressure will diffuse and dissolve in minutes. It’s very cooling and dispersing in nature and provides instant calm to headaches and muscle aches alike.
photo 29. Moxa – to stop any severity of bleeding
Again, this is unique to Chinese Medicine, but really stands out as a wonder treatment for women who are bleeding during pregnancy. Any sort of bleeding at this time is stressful and alarming and a skilled practitioner can help slow, stop and astringe the blood within several visits.
Enzymedica-Digest-Gold10. Digest Gold Enzymes- for heartburn
Many pregnant women face heartburn no matter what foods are consumed. Enzymes are naturally occurring in the body and a little extra supplementing goes a long way. Especially at that last meal of the day.


By |2017-06-20T01:52:53+00:00March 26th, 2014|Blog, Digestion, Pregnancy|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. naby33 September 21, 2014 at 3:36 pm

    this is a great list and yes it is very hard to choose a good prenatal especially when your family doctor only talks about the main stream brands. I have a question; do you think its safe to take both fermented cod liver oil and new chapters prenatal together? is that too much vitamins? or do I need to add something more? i eat a pretty clean diet. Any insight will be great, Thank you!

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