Pregnancy Tea Infusion

FullSizeRenderTreating fertility and pregnancy with acupuncture involves more than just needle placement. Food as medicine is a large part of the work we do here at Mama Lounge SF. For our patients preparing for conception and during pregnancy we often recommend our special homemade pregnancy tea infusion. This tea is a uterine tonic that has been used for centuries. The ingredients help nourish and support your body for a vibrant, strong and flourishing uterine environment for baby.

Here are the three key ingredients in our special homemade blend. We always recommend sourcing the dried herbs themselves when making a tea infusion (as opposed to pre-made tea bags which provide little to no medicinal benefit).

Red Raspberry Leaf

Red raspberry leaf is full of rich nutrients that have been used to treat a variety of ailments for thousands of years. It contains an alkaloid called fragrine that helps to bolster and fortify the uterus tissue. It is believed this helps strengthen contractions, reduce labor time and pain, as well as diminish postpartum hemorrhaging. Other nutrients in red raspberry leaf include vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, iron and magnesium.


The second ingredient, nettle, is especially potent in regards to the adrenal glands. It also supports optimal kidney function, which in turn supports the extra blood needed during pregnancy and breast milk production. Nettle can help with leg cramps and, like red raspberry leaf, reduce delivery time and pain.  Nettle is chock-full of vitamins and minerals vitamin C, vitamin D2, vitamin K1, betacarotene, calcium, potassium, iron and so much more. These are essential nutrients for supporting a healthy pregnancy.


Perhaps the most important benefit of the last ingredient, Hibiscus, is that is absolutely yummy! While pregnancy tea is a wonderful way to support your uterine health, it should also be a pleasure to drink. Hibiscus is also believed to relieve cramps and have antidepressant qualities. It has been used to treat anxiety and because it is rich in vitamin C it helps to vitalize the immune system. Nobody wants a cold when they’re pregnant!

So sit back, relax, and enjoy a soothing and nutritional cup of pregnancy tea. Your uterus will thank you!

By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00October 30th, 2015|Acupuncture Clinic, Blog, Fertility, Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnancy Tea Infusion

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