Pregnancy and Nutrition

vintage veggiesOne of the most important building blocks of a healthy and successful pregnancy is nutrition.  The research, medical opinions, and voices of your friends and family vary widely on this subject which why we, at Mama Lounge Prenatal Clinic in San Francisco, take the time to help you customize a pregnancy and nutrition plan that works for you and your growing family. As most of our clients have also grown to understand, in addition to good nutrition it’s often necessary to add holistic treatments such as acupuncture and massage to allow your body to operate at its maximum potential; processing nutrients more efficiently, balancing the digestion, and minimizing symptoms like heartburn, and nausea to make optimal nutrition a reality throughout your whole pregnancy. At Mama Lounge we want you to feel your best during this time so you can enjoy the miracle of pregnancy and growing a strong healthy baby. Here are some pregnancy nutrition starter points:

Eating for Two

While the phrase “eating for two” is popular, it isn’t entirely accurate. While you are now supporting a growing life inside of you, you should not be doubling your caloric intake. The average woman needs approximately 285 extra calories a day to support her baby’s health. If you are very active; which includes working full time, caring for other children, exercising daily (and let’s face it – in San Francisco we are very active!) this amount should increase).


Staying properly hydrated is essential for pregnancy! Think of all the amniotic fluid your baby needs to sustain his/her growth, turn into position, and then transform into breastmilk later on. Sufficient hydration also helps increase your blood supply. Women should be drinking at minimum 40oz. of water per day. Optimal range is between 60-80oz. Many people have differing opinions on things like alcohol and caffeine during pregnancy, but remember that sodas, caffeinated teas, and coffee are diuretics and will decrease your fluid levels.

Blood Sugar

Gestational diabetes (GD) is being diagnosed more and more frequently. We always recommend our fertility clients to get the blood sugar balanced before conception, but if you find yourself pregnant and favoring carbs and sugars disproportionately to protein, visit us at Mama Lounge or schedule an appointment with a holisitic nutritionist early so you can balance these cravings before week 27 when the GD screening is performed. Proper exercise is also very important in balancing blood sugar levels.

Morning Sickness

Studies show that up to 70% of women suffer from nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Morning sickness can happen at any time during the day or night and usually sets in after week 6 of pregnancy. For some women it can return in the third trimester, and for others it can last the entire 9 months.  At Mama Lounge we encourage our clients to come in weekly through week 10 reducing and eliminating morning sickness and open up a broader window of time for proper nutrition.  The good work you do now to rest, honor your needs, and address any symptoms from the very beginning of pregnancy will pay off in dividends later.

Our Favorite Supplements during Pregnancy:

Our acupuncturists are primary health care providers with specialized training to help you understand the A-B-C’s of vitamins. Some of our favorites in addition to the standard prenatal and DHA:

  • Vitamin D
  • Floradix- Liquid Iron + B vitamins
  • Calcium/Magnesium
  • Folate (different from Folic Acid)

Call today to set up your initial visit and develop healthy nutrition that will support the whole family for years to come! 415-857-3228

By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00October 23rd, 2015|Blog, Digestion, Pregnancy|Comments Off on Pregnancy and Nutrition

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