Gluten and Fertility

Screen Shot 2015-11-09 at 6.20.39 PMWhen treating fertility issues at Mama Lounge, we take a whole body approach. Many of our clients are unaware of the intimate connection between gut health and fertility. It is very important for proper diagnosis and treatment to discover what you might be eating that is affecting your ability to conceive. Gluten consumption is often one of the first things we look at when examining possible dietary obstacles to fertility. Fertility problems can actually be a symptom of gluten sensitivity that has gone undetected for a long time while wreaking havoc on egg quality and causing low-grade chronic inflammation.

Why is inflammation so bad?

Inflammation is a sign that your body is not a hospitable or safe place for pregnancy to take place. High levels of chronic inflammation put the immune system into overdrive so that it defends against ALL foreign cells, good and bad. When the immune system is in this hyper vigilant state, it is referred to as an autoimmune condition. Having an autoimmune condition changes the body’s ability to tolerate foreign cells including your partner’s sperm – or the baby.

How does gluten sensitivity affect egg quality?

Gluten also interferes with the lining of your gut preventing the proper absorption of nutrients which are vital to make healthy eggs. Undernourished eggs usually don’t survive the fertilization process and if they do will often lead to miscarriage. Gluten intolerance can also upset the balance of microbial flora. Your intestinal flora directly influences your vaginal environment. Not having healthy vaginal flora can easily thwart conception.

The best (and most affordable!) way to find out if you have a gluten sensitivity or intolerance is an elimination diet. At Mama Lounge we also order labs to help detect antibody activity and use acupuncture to lower inflammation. There are many causes of infertility and we’ve found this to be one of the easier ones to detect and heal so you can enjoy a healthy strong pregnancy. Book an initial visit with us today to learn more about gluten and fertility.

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By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00November 10th, 2015|Blog, Digestion, Fertility|Comments Off on Gluten and Fertility

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