Tips and Advice from the Mama Lounge Team
Forgiveness: The New Resolution
As I sit down to write this I feel like my life is piling up around me. There are stacks of paper next to me and they just keep getting bigger, my 6-week old is [...]
Fertility San Francisco: The Un-Boot Camp
Which one of these women looks more likely to get pregnant? We see a very common type of patient coming to acupuncture for fertility here in San [...]
The Healing Benefits of Bone Broth
I have recently fallen deeply in love with bone broth. Nothing brings me more joy than skipping out of the meat department of my local grocery store with a bag full of sliced femur bones. [...]
Late Summer and Healing Your Digestion
Late Summer is the season, according to Chinese Five Element Theory, that corresponds with the element of Earth. On the east side of the country we welcome this last burst of energy and call it [...]
Welcome Summer with a Healthy Heart
I’m a heart gal. I always look to this organ first when diagnosing imbalances at our acupuncture clinic. We call the heart The Emperor organ. A healthy heart constantly supplies the other organs with fresh [...]
10 Things to do now that you are pregnant
This can be a very surprising and confusing time for a woman. A lot of women come to acupuncture seeking help in getting pregnant, but what happens next? When the pregnancy test comes back positive? [...]