Mothers Carry their Baby’s DNA


Buddhist monk Thích Nhất Hạnh once said, “We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.” One of the most powerful examples of our interconnectedness is the genetic material that passes from mother (and father) to baby in the womb. Science is seemingly catching up with this ideology – recent studies have revealed that with each pregnancy the child leaves behind DNA in the mother.

Scientists have discovered male DNA in women who have given birth to boys. The DNA was found in women as old as 90 indicating that this is a permanent change to the body. DNA from female babies would also be present but the study focused on male cells since they are easier to identify. These cells are present throughout the mother’s body, and can be found in the heart, brain and blood. Our children literally stay part of us even after birth.

Some of the research suggests there may be surprising health benefits from this leftover DNA. It potentially boosts the immune system allowing the body to destroy cancer cells and heal tissue. It is associated with lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s as well. This could explain why woman live longer on average then men.

Science is just beginning to tap into what this exciting discovery can mean as far as understanding our bodies and the potential for healing. But we don’t need a scientific study to know there is something deep and mystical existing between mother and child. A mother would do anything to protect her child, and in return the boost from her baby’s lingering DNA strengthens and protects the mother. It is truly a symbiotic and interconnected relationship!


Read original article in the NY Times

By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00December 7th, 2015|Blog, Pregnancy|Comments Off on Mothers Carry their Baby’s DNA

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