Chinese Medicine for Weaning

screen-shot-2016-11-14-at-3-56-29-pmSimilar to how acupuncture helps with hormonal changes and side effects during pregnancy and postpartum, it’s very effective during the often unexpected swings of weaning as well. There are many reasons why women come to us at Mama Lounge postpartum such as lactation problems, decreased energy, or mastitis to name a few. Weaning may not be a reason a postpartum mom might think she’ll need acupuncture even though it may be a crucial time for her body to receive the support. Read below to find out the benefits of visiting a Chinese Medicine practitioner during weaning:
When weaning, your body is going through another hormonal change. It includes a drop of prolactin and oxytocin levels which can lead to depression, menstrual cycle irregularities, cramping, weight gain, insomnia and a list of other unexpected symptoms at this stage of motherhood.
Prolactin is the hormone responsible for lactation, and can create feelings of calmness and happiness. Oxytocin is often referred to as the “love” hormone and helps the mother form a strong bond with her baby. When breastfeeding, prolactin and oxytocin levels are surging high, and once weaned those hormones drop significantly. A lot of women may go through this time feeling depressed, out of whack, or notice very irregular menstrual symptoms, and not realize that their hormones have once again shifted. It can help them feel more “normal” that their intense feelings of sadness is a natural, common reaction to the oxytocin and prolactin drop. Chinese medicine can help bring the woman’s hormones back to balance.
Herbs can also help the weaning process go smoothly by swiftly decreasing the milk supply, and directly affecting sleep and stress levels. We also use all natural supplements and make diet recommendations to make sure the body is getting all of it’s essential amino acids, proteins, and fats; adequate amounts of these will make for a calm nervous system, and more balanced endocrine system.
 *photo credit, our favorite, Erica Taylor Photography here in San Francisco*
By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00November 18th, 2016|Blog, Postpartum, Stress & Emotions|Comments Off on Chinese Medicine for Weaning

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