Acupuncture & Birth Control

By |2017-06-20T01:52:49+00:00June 9th, 2017|Acupuncture Clinic, Birth Control, Blog, Fertility|

Dear Friends at Mama Lounge, I want to share a brief testimonial, aka. my acupuncture love story. I wanted the opportunity to put into words why I’m willing to rearrange my schedule every few weeks to lie on a table to be poked with needles, and I hope it can help other women out there, like [...]

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Acupuncture and Ovulation

By |2017-06-20T01:52:50+00:00March 9th, 2016|Birth Control, Fertility, Stress & Emotions|

When trying to get pregnant, one of the very first things we are told is to track our ovulation. We become obsessed with ovulation. We learn all the different ways we can track it. We buy expensive equipment to help us track it. We call our husband/partner home from work to help us catch it- whatever [...]

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PCOS PART III: Treatment with Acupuncture and Herbs

By |2017-08-06T18:49:00+00:00November 4th, 2014|Birth Control, Fertility|

  Let's talk about treatment for PCOS. First we'll examine Western Medical solutions and then we'll look at it from a traditional Chinese Medicine point of view. The goals are the same for both: Balancing blood sugar levels Establishing and maintaining hormone balance Addressing liver health for estrogen metabolism Regulate ovulation and the menstrual cycles Any expert [...]

The birds, the bees, and OCP’s

By |2017-08-06T18:53:19+00:00May 7th, 2013|Birth Control, Blog|

Ah, springtime is here. The days are longer, the cherry blossoms are blowing in the wind, things are starting to heat up, and at the back of many a young fertile female’s mind is the consistent nagging thought, How Do I Keep From Getting Pregnant? Chinese Medical theory does not support oral contraceptives (OCP's) and [...]

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